Jedediah Cash, Roxy Prescott’s two year old 178 pound Rottweiler, has the important job of carrying the mail home. Here is what she has to say about his new pack:
It was simply amazing…the package arrived in the mail, I brought it inside. All I said to Jedediah (167 lb Rottweiler, 2 yr old), was “look what Mommy got for you!” and he ran over, flipped my hand away from the backpack as I tried to pull it out of the box and then stuck his nose and head into it! It appeared he was trying to put it on himself! He wiggled and wagged his stub so hard, I barely could get it strapped on – he was so anxious to go out and get the mail – his new job. This is now his 6 day a week task, each night when I come home from work. Our driveway is 500′ long and we live in the Maine woods – he happily jogs the whole way!Many thanks from Mommy (Roxy Prescott) and Jedediah Cash Prescott!
Roxy sent us this update a few weeks later…
Finally it is light enough outside when I get home to take some pics of my boy “doing his job”. His job is to get the mail, but we have also packed lunches, drinks and dog snacks in his pack to go have lunch with Dad when he is out working in our woods.